Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bound Freedom

While flipping through the 1000+ TV stations, I stumbled onto a movie called: Lie with Me

This is a quote from the movie:
You have to wait until you are uncovered
You have to wait with someone naked
And then you have to wait some more.

This movie sometimes feels like my life. I like the power of sex. I like the unattached, raw emotion of unencumbered sex. I enjoy the dangers of these moments and how completely unlike me I can become. I find surprised satisfaction in finding a man that is able to exert his power over me as I’m usually the aggressor.

Yet, are they just wonderful distractions to taking a risk, becoming vulnerable and possibly stumbling into something true?

I think I’m a walking contradiction.


Philip said...

Only you can know whether you're stalling, procrastinating, or hiding by finding and taking risks only in physical and sexual terms, but perhaps stretching your boundaries in one area can carry over into other activites.

But if you're letting yourself be satisfied with explosive sex without also seeking men who can light you up in other equally important ways, then perhaps you are simply using distractions.

Just a Girl said...

So true, So true! This is my conundrum I must answer. Thank you for finding a way to say it so simply. Sometimes looking in the mirror you don't see clearly.