Is it the new year? Is it a new age? Is it a new outlook? Is it the realization that there are only about 20 good years left? Is it a new appreciation of being single with no kids and still having no regrets? Is it sick of settling and not willing to do so any longer? Is the work "to do" list now finally shorter than the personal "to do" list? Is it okay not to be CEO but not okay not visiting Paris? Is it okay not to be so cautious but instead be the girl that always has the first instinct to say, why not? Is it okay that the 20 year old girl full of hope and optimism still exists 25 years later? And with as much passion about romance and true love? And yet still deny her? Is it okay to try, knowing that it still may break your heart? Is it taking the "Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight" out of the equation and not relying on chance but taking matters in your own hands? Is it being a better example for the younger generation I have influence over? Is it finally doing what I want over what I should? Is it just being inspired again? It is time for a change? It is.