I love the way his skin feels, his shoulders showing too many hours in the sun.
I love the way he he rumbles when you scratch his back, like a bear awakening from hibernation.
I love the way he looks at me with this intense stare when his fingers are slowing lowering the straps to my camisole.
I love way he enjoys his family in the manner so similar to my own.
I love that he likes to read and gives me recommendations.
I love his interest in wine and that he can actually taste the differences.
I love how he wakes me up in the morning, still half asleep his body curling into mine and his fingers finding all the right places.
I love how thoughtful he can be.
I love his love for football.
I love how he loves on his dog.
I love his insecurities and that we have similar shitty pasts.
I love that he is such a good friend to his friends.
I love the way he dances.
I love the way he sucks in my bottom lip when he kisses me.
I hate his inability to accept love and allow good things to happen or is that what I hate in myself.
One of us has to take the first step.